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January 06, 2010


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The scientists involved in the LHC seem to be claiming that they know that no harm will come of their experiments but, scientists perform experiments because they don't know. All attempts to prove that the collider is safe also amount to an attempt to disprove the dangers. However, one of the important principles is that science cannot disprove anything. This keeps all theories available to potential research and; due to their own "x factor" leaves their attempts to prove safety incomplete. Consider the growth of scientific research in the last few centuries. From a few isolated individuals, or small groups, who communicated by slow mail or word of mouth - to a single global community linked by the internet and attached means. Add the failure of injunctions to halt the use of the LHC and the precedents which are being established and it starts to appear to be obsessive/compulsive behaviour growing toward a positive feedback cycle. Positive feedback systems destroy themselves. Consider, for instance, a microphone and a speaker being connected and holding the microphone in front of the speaker. A large and growing squeal results. Usually the microphone is removed but, if it's left in place, something blows up. Like other obsessive/compulsive behaviour. For instance, there's the alcoholic who's "always handled it" until the lost job, homelesness, emotionally brutalized children, car which the alcoholic has always driven OK finally runs into a group of school children. Or the Titanic (see Physics World dot com newsletter item #41564) which couldn't sink. Experts were quite certain of this. Now, experts who have a vested interest in maintaining experimentation, tell us that nothing will go wrong. Is it fair to compare scientists with alcoholics? Well, what about the Curries discovery and research on radioctivity in the early part of the twentieth century? Radiation sickness was discovered when people got sick and died - after extensive damage to the nerve endings in the hands of member(s) of the Currie family. The LHC may not cause any problems however, as the precedents are set and the cycle grows, the doomsayers will only have to be proven right once.

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